Ways to donate

There are many ways to support and donate to the Food2Think charity. You can set up a standing order with your bank, make a bank transfer or send a cheque or use the PayPal Donate button below.

Just Giving

PayPal donation

If you would like to use PayPal to donate, please click the button below:
Note: All PayPal transactions are subject to a fee.

Single Donation

Monthly Donation

Bank transfer donation

If you would like to set up a standing order with your bank, please transfer to the Food2Think charity bank account:

Barclays Bank 

Sort code: 20-08-64 

Account number: 60741833

Cheque donation

If you would like to make cheque donation to the Food2Think charity, please post the cheque to:

Food2Think (Charity)
2 Regent Avenue
Stoke on Trent, ST6 6EW